Welcome to QUINDOMS, where the journey of self-discovery intertwines with the mystique of dzi beads, the artistry of thangka, and the transformative energy of shuzi. I'm Berniec, the founder of QUINDOMS, and I'd love to share our story with you.

Our Humble Beginnings: In 2020, I embarked on a journey into the enchanting world of crystals, driven by a passion to create meaningful connections through designed bracelets. The brand "BFF" (Best Friend Forever) was born, embodying the hope that these crystal bracelets could be your lifelong companions. As my aspirations grew, so did the need for a rebrand. In 2021, "Splendor" emerged, a name reflecting the radiance I envisioned for those seeking crystals. However, the path to success was challenging, filled with hours of dedication and the realization that I couldn't be an all-rounder seller.

Evolution and Empowerment: Embracing change, I refocused on what truly mattered to me. A pivotal moment came when I decided to share not just crystals but also my life experiences. Thus, QUINDOMS was born, symbolizing Queens who define their own paths. Our logo, a queen's crown, a heart, open hands, and a circle, encapsulates our vision: "Be Your Own Definition of Queen in Life," spreading love, providing support, and fostering a community.

Our Unique Offerings: QUINDOMS is more than a crystal seller; we're curators of dzi beads, thangka, and shuzi-related services. While crystals remain a part of our offerings, our focus has shifted to bring you meticulously sourced dzi beads and thangka from trustworthy suppliers. Each piece is chosen with care, considering factors like quality, origin, and age. Our thangka, primarily from 青海热贡 and drawn by Tibetan artists, are blessed in Tibet's temples for added significance.

Empowering Lives Through Shuzi: We've partnered with AEM to offer wealth consultation packages and recommend shuzi courses for a deeper understanding of oneself through numerology. Our personal experiences with shuzi have inspired us to share its transformative power, helping individuals navigate daily life, career, and wealth.

Authenticity and Personal Touch: At QUINDOMS, authenticity is paramount. We wear and experience our products firsthand, ensuring that each item meets our standards. Our commitment to personalized service extends to customization, advice, and knowledge-sharing, ensuring our customers make informed choices.

Inspiration and Community: Beyond commerce, we aspire to inspire and empower. Our vision extends to supporting women, especially single moms, drawing from my own decade-long journey. While we're still developing community initiatives, our aim is to create a space where shared experiences foster growth and positivity.

A Journey of Growth: Though not claiming expertise, we bring forth personal experiences and a genuine desire to see our customers grow. The smiles on their faces, positive feedback, and appreciation fuel our dedication to helping you become the best version of yourself.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment at QUINDOMS, where every crystal, dzi bead, thangka, and shuzi service is a step towards becoming the queen of your own story. "Become The Best Version Of Yourself" with QUINDOMS.